
Telekangel a uchul meng beluu Ngersuul
Persistence and perseverance are strengths that empower people (A Tekoi er a Belau)

island in the ocean

Palau (Beluu er a Belau) consists of six groups of more than 300 islands. The most populated islands are Koror and Babeldaob, which is the second largest island in Micronesia. Palau is a republic in free association with the United States. [1]

Official / Indigenous languages

Official / Indigenous languages

A Tekoi er a Belau (Palauan), Ramari Hatohobei (Tobian), Ramari Dongosaro (Sonsorolese)
* note: most people are bilingual in English

Common greetings in A Tekoi er a Belau (pdf)

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21,613 (July 2021 est.) [1]

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Number of schools

18 public schools in SY16-17
17 elementary; 1 high school
6 private schools; 2 elementary; 4 high school [2]

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Number of students

2,988 students in public and private schools in SY16-17
1,625 in public and 407 in private elementary
610 in public and 346 in private high school [2]

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Number of teachers

2,235 public school teachers in SY16-17
1,625 in elementary; 610 in high school [2]

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Teacher credentials

38.6% with high school diploma in SY16-17
36.9% with certificate of achievement
20.6% with bachelor’s degree
3.9% with master’s degree [2]

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Institutes of higher education

Palau Community College offers associate degrees and certificates in over 20 areas of study, including agriculture, business, education, environmental science, information technology, nursing, Palauan studies, tourism, liberal arts, and trades.

For more information about the Palau Ministry of Education
